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Kik Messenger

kik app

KIK is an Instant Messenger app for smartphones ideal to be able to chat anonymously with people you know in 'random chat'.

Have you met interesting people in random chat/chatroulette and would you like to chat even from your smartphone, maintaining privacy?

…..you can do it!

  • install the app. KIK MESSENGER on your smartphone;

  • set a nickname to your liking. This will serve as a unique and personal setting and will allow you to find new kik friends;

  • when you are in 'random video chat' and you meet interesting people, exchange your kik name with your partner and add this person on kik messenger or you can say ‘kik me’ to him;

  • done! Now you can find your new kik  friend every time you want, you can chat with your smartphone, and you can do it in complete anonymity. In a nutshell six protected from unpleasant encounters.

More informations about Kik Messenger

Kik gives you the chance to realize your new knowledge. There are a thousand reasons why it can be very interesting to realize a new acquaintance made in 'random chat-chatroulette'. Here are just a few reasons why:

  • you may meet an interesting person but could be ready to press 'next'. Exchanging your 'kik' you don't will lose this person!;

  • you could talk to a person with whom you have ‘feeling ‘ and you want an easy way to get to know;

  • you might have met someone willing to accommodate you in your country or you might want to accommodate someone, but you want to know him better before;

  • you may have met the person of your life!

Think about it and you'll find plenty of other reasons to associate the use of kik app to 'random chat-chatroulette'.

Enjoy! Go in Russian Chatroulette and find new kik friends!

KIK for PC

Many people want to use Kik messenger on their PC, so often people ask….Kik for PC? Kik messenger for PC? Ok! It’s possible! and the only way , at moment, to do this is using an Android emulator and so after installing kik messenger.

In this way you could communicate with your kik friends directly from your PC.

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